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Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Being big in a thin-centric world is hard. It's not impossible though.
I am nearly 100% positive that all of us have been at the butt end of jokes and other ridicule due to our weight. Especially in grade school. But now that we are grown up, how do we deal with it?

How do we deal with an unruly classmate in college or a jerk at the office?
It isn't the easiest thing to deal with, but it is a fact that Big Girls (and guys too) get teased. And I am going to try and give you some ideas about how to deal with it. And how to do it without throwing a punch or going to jail.

All kinds of people pick on us. And they can be broken down into three different categories. The skinny bitch, the average joe, and the ugly.

First the reason why the skinny bitch takes swipes at us. They can be male or female. But they are pretty much all the same. The reason they say ugly things about our weight is that they are mad at us. They hate us because we can look good at our size. And it especially pisses them off when we have a man hanging off of us and they don't.

Second is the average joe. They can also be male or female. I usually have found that this is a small percentage compared to the other two categories. But these people tease because of their own attitude. They might have had a bad day or week or they are going through something that has them down and they want to drag you down with them so that they don't feel that they are alone on the bottom. Basically they want a "pick me up", and to them we are the perfect target.

Last is the ugly. Now don't give me grief for saying what I am about to say, because I know we have all been through it. But physically ugly people love to tease us Big Girls. And when I say ugly, I mean when they fell out of the ugly tree, every single branch hit them on the way down. And they tease us about our weight because people teased them about their physical attributes, or lack there of. It is a vicious cycle.

And as for being ugly, all three types of these people are ugly. If not on the outside then on the inside. And if it at all makes you feel any better about it, we may be fat, but they will always be ugly. Not even the greatest plastic surgeon can fix what's on the inside. Ever.

To deal with these people, depending on where you were, I would either 1. just walk away. Defuse the situation by leaving. If you do this, it takes away the power of what they said to you. This works well if you are in a situation where you do not have to deal with the person(s) on a daily basis or very much at all.
Or 2. Confront them. Get on your big fat soap box and tell em that yes, I am a Big Girl, and yes I am just as attractive as skinny Sally in accounting, or the girl in the cowboy hat standing at the bar. Beauty is as beauty does. So I'm not your cup of tea with heavy cream? Don't look, dickhead.

When people start in on you, they do it because of their own self image and self esteem issues. Don't let their words drag you through the mud. You are not a mat and you are not to be walked all over. You are worth far too much for that.

And I know that just because you are confident, it doesn't mean that the words don't hurt.
I would journal about it, or talk to your friends about it. Get a therapist if you need to. The whole "suffer in silence" thing isn't worth the emotional damage that you may suffer from in the end.
Talk about it with people and it will take a huge weight off your shoulders.

And always remember: Hold your head up. Be confident, plus confidence is a very sexy thing. You are beautiful. Live your life on your terms, and don't let all of the jerks in this world mess with your head.

Don't be afraid, Big Girls!
You run this world.

Xoxo- Pauline

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