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Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Are You Scared Of?

Personally, I am scared of heights, and spiders. Well more specifically bugs in general, especially if they jump.

Phobias aren't really the point of this blog though. Big Girls, I am going to ask you a question, and I really want you to think about the answer: What are you scared of?

Big Girls, being big ain't easy. Trust me, I'm a pro.
I see so many women who dress to be invisible. Just trying to blend into the background.

What are you scared of?

Someone might notice you? Some people might be offended because you have a little extra fluff? That people will laugh? That the hot guy on aisle 3 might ask for your number?

How you answer that question is very important.

I have noticed a lot of big girls (not Big Girl) lately that seem to have such an awful self image.

The whole thing with being a Big Girl, is the acceptance and knowledge of our bodies.

We know that we are bigger than some other people, but we accept ourselves and find beauty within that acceptance.

This is directly correlated with fashion. Big girls (not Big Girls) tend to dress to fade to the background. And I know that feeling. I struggled to accept myself for a very long time.

But acceptance breeds love for yourself. And when you love yourself, you want to look as good as you feel on the inside.

Fashion plays into this by being the first thing people see. If you don't feel beautiful on the inside, then you won't be able to show it on the outside.

Fashion represents your acceptance.

Take the time to get to know yourself. Accept yourself, and your body.

You only get one, so love it. Flaunt it. Be. Express your self.

You can show the world how amazing Big Girls are. And it isn't a hard thing to do.

Follow the basics. Be creative with it. But most importantly love yourself.

Don't drown yourself in too big clothes. Do find a fabulous fit. Don't feel like you aren't beautiful because you're not a size 2. Do embrace yourself, not matter what size you are.

Don't be scared because of your body. It is beautiful. You are beautiful.

*Try this tomorrow- Stand in front of a full length mirror, naked. And look at yourself. Think of positive thoughts of yourself. It doesn't matter if you have rolls. Or cellulite, or a big ass. Start loving yourself, and see the beautiful you.

I do that every single day. Yes, we are big, and damn it we are gorgeous. Start standing up for yourself, and your Big Girl sisters everywhere. Don't be scared anymore.

Be Fabulous,

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